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Rebutia albipilosa F.Ritter
Taxon xii. 29 (1963).

Accepted Scientific Name: Rebutia fiebrigii (Gürke) Britton & Rose in L.H.Bailey & L.H.Bailey
Stand. Cycl. Hort. 5: 2915. 1916

Rebutia albipilosa Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli
This species has an uncommon appeal, and is grown for its beautiful cream-white spines on fuzzy balls. It also produces vibrant orange-red flowers.


See all synonyms of Rebutia fiebrigii

Common Names include:
ENGLISH: White-haired Crown

Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Rebutia fiebrigii group

  • Rebutia albipilosa F.Ritter: "White-haired Crown" It is a plant from northern Argentina.The body is made invisible by countless long, soft, hair-like white spines.It produces vibrant orange-red flowers.
  • Rebutia archibuiningiana F.Ritter: The body is made invisible by glassy-white to yellowish, silky, short spines. It produces vibrant orange-red flowers. Distribution: Tarija, Bolivia.
  • Rebutia cintiensis F.Ritter
  • Rebutia donaldiana A.B.Lau & G.D.Rowley: "Donald’s Red Crown"n" It develops a dense clump of small, dark heads with brown spines which make a perfect backdrop for the small, dark orange-red, numerous flowers. It quickly begins to form a large, tight mound and it then proceeds to hide it all under a dense blanket of its flowers.
  • Rebutia fiebrigii (Gürke) Britton & Rose in L.H.Bailey & L.H.Bailey: "Flame Crown" It’s a Bolivian mountain cactus, found at 3600m altitude, and therefore very hardy. It forms a cylinder about 6cm diameter and 10cm tall with few offsets and it produces striking, flame-red flowers over a long season.
  • Rebutia fiebrigii var. azurduyensis ( Vries): has yellowish to brownish, silky, short spines and peculiar white blooms. Distribution: Azurduy to La Angostura, Bolivia.
  • Rebutia fiebrigii var. densiseta (Cullmann) Oeser: has stronger and very dense brownish spines. Distribution: Chuquisaca, Bolivia.
  • Rebutia fiebrigii var. vulpes F.Ritter
  • Rebutia flavistyla F.Ritter
  • Rebutia hoffmannii Diers & Rausch: similar to Rebutia spinosissima, with denser, very fine, tight, white spines, with brownish tips, and outer petals with purple-reddish shades. Distribution: Argentina (Salta) and Bolivia (Tarija).
  • Rebutia ithyacantha (Cárdenas) Diers
  • Rebutia jujuyana Rausch
  • Rebutia kieslingii Rausch
  • Rebutia lateritia n.n.: has brick red flowers. Distribution: Potosi to Ballestro, Bolivia.
  • Rebutia muscula F.Ritter & Thiele: "Little Mouse" It comes from south Bolivia; it is distinguished by its soft white spination and orange flowers and it blooms heavily in May, continuing until September/October with always at least a few flowers. It is especially desirable for the small size of its main body, with the offsets held closely, usually in a pattern reminiscent of a classical sculpture.
  • Rebutia narvaecensis (Cárdenas) Donald: has 10-30 thin, needle-like whitish to yellowish pines, 2-5 mm long, and numerous pale pink flowers. Distribution: Bolivia. Narvaez (Department of Tarija, O'Connor Province)
  • Rebutia pulchella Rausch
  • Rebutia pulchella var. prolifera Rausch
  • Rebutia simoniana Rausch
  • Rebutia sp. Huari Huari
  • Rebutia vallegrandensis Cárdenas

7156 valentino Valentino Vallicelli
Rebutia albipilosa Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli
7158 cactus-art Cactus Art
Rebutia albipilosa Photo by: Cactus Art

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Rebutia albipilosa Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli
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Rebutia albipilosa Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli

7159 cactus-art Cactus Art
Rebutia albipilosa Photo by: Cactus Art
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Rebutia albipilosa Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli

7306 valentino Valentino Vallicelli
Rebutia albipilosa Photo by: Valentino Vallicelli
21842 viviana Viviana Alejandra Castro
Seedlings. Photo by: Viviana Alejandra Castro

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