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Explan. Diagr. Austroechinocactinae 252 (1957) (Eriocephalus).
= Parodia grossei (K.Schum.) F.H.Brandt
Kakteen Orch. Rundschau 7(4): 62. 1982
Accepted Scientific Name: Parodia schumanniana (Nicolai) F.H.Brandt
Kakteen Orch. Rundschau 1982(4): 62 (1982)
(Eriocactus grossei sensu Ritter)
Origin and Habitat: Paraguay, between Carepegua and south-east of the Cerro Acahay, department Paraguarí, (it is one of the most southerly species of Eriocactus).
Altitude range: Around 500 metres above sea level.
- Parodia grossei (K.Schum.) F.H.Brandt
- Chrysocactus grossei (K.Schum.) Y.Itô
- Echinocactus grossei K.Schum.
- Eriocactus grossei (K.Schum.) Backeb. ex Schaffnit
- Eriocephala grossei (K.Schum.) Y.Itô
- Malacocarpus grossei (Schum.) Britton & Rose
- Notocactus grossei (K.Schum.) A.Berger
Parodia schumanniana (Nicolai) F.H.Brandt
Kakteen Orch. Rundschau 1982(4): 62 (1982)
Synonymy: 24
- Parodia schumanniana (Nicolai) F.H.Brandt
- Echinocactus schumannianus Nicolai
- Eriocactus schumannianus (Nicolai) Backeb.
- Eriocephala schumanniana (Nicolai) Y.Itô
- Malacocarpus schumannianus Britton & Rose
- Notocactus schumannianus (Nicolai) A.Berger
- Parodia ampliocostata (F.Ritter) F.H.Brandt
- Eriocactus ampliocostatus F.Ritter
- Notocactus ampliocostatus (F.Ritter) S.Theun.
- Notocactus schumannianus var. ampliocostatus (F.Ritter) S.Theun. ex Havlíček
- Notocactus schumannianus f. ampliocostatus (F.Ritter) Neduchal
- Parodia applanata (Werner Hoffm. & Backeb.) F.H.Brandt
- Parodia schwebsiana var. applanata Werner Hoffm. & Backeb.
- Parodia schwebsiana f. applanata (Werner Hoffm. & Backeb.) Krainz in Krainz
- Parodia grossei (K.Schum.) F.H.Brandt
- Chrysocactus grossei (K.Schum.) Y.Itô
- Echinocactus grossei K.Schum.
- Eriocactus grossei (K.Schum.) Backeb. ex Schaffnit
- Eriocephala grossei (K.Schum.) Y.Itô
- Malacocarpus grossei (Schum.) Britton & Rose
- Notocactus grossei (K.Schum.) A.Berger
- Parodia grossei var. aureispina (F.Ritter) F.H.Brandt
- Eriocactus grossei var. aureispinus F.Ritter
- Notocactus grossei var. aureispinus (F.Ritter) S.Theun.
Parodia schumanniana subs. claviceps (F.Ritter) Hofacker & P.J.Braun
Cactaceae Consensus Init. 6: 12. 1998
Synonymy: 5
- Parodia schumanniana subs. claviceps (F.Ritter) Hofacker & P.J.Braun
- Eriocactus claviceps F.Ritter
- Eriocactus schumannianus subs. claviceps (F.Ritter) Doweld
- Notocactus schumannianus subs. claviceps (F.Ritter) Doweld
- Parodia claviceps (F.Ritter) F.H.Brandt
ENGLISH: Ball cactus
Description: Parodia grosseiSN|1141]]SN|1154]] ( Eriocactus grosseiSN|1158]]SN|1158]] ) is only a form of Parodia schumannianaSN|1154]]SN|1141]] and most authors choose to lump them together. It is one of the largest species of the genus and distinguishes for having only 3 to7 long bristly white spines. Schumann originally described it with 16 ribs and four radial spines. It has a white, woolly crown and bright yellow flowers appear atop the plant in summer.
Stem: Globose to depressed or sometimes cylindric, sometimes up to 1.7 meters high and up to 30 cm thick.
Ribs: Usually 16, acute, somewhat crenate.
Areoles: Small, circular.
Spines: 3 to 7(-8), spreading, acicular, curved, white or brownish, the longer one 4 cm long.
Flower: Large, funnelform, citron-yellow, 4 cm long, when fully expanded broader than long. Perianth-segments oblanceolate to spatulate, obtuse, serrate above. Stamens numerous, short. Style slender, longer than the stamens; stigma-lobes 12 to 17, linear, white, recurved. Scales on the ovary numerous, linear, purplish, with wool and bristles in their axils.
Fruit: Short oblong, 2.5 cm long, 2 cm. in diameter.
Seeds: Bell shaped, 0.8(-2?) mm long and 0.8 mm thick, glossy reddish-black or black.
Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Parodia schumanniana
- Parodia ampliocostata (F.Ritter) F.H.Brandt: has more ribs, more spines, multiple central spines, of which the lowest one conspicuously longer and pale yellow anthers. Distribution: Cordillera de los Altos, Paraguarí, Paraguay.
- Parodia grossei (K.Schum.) F.H.Brandt: has stems to 1.7 m high and 30 cm thick, 3-7 long bristly white (or brownish) spines the longer one 4 cm long. Distribution: between Carepegua and southeast of the Cerro Acahay, Paraguarí, Paraguay.
- Parodia grossei var. aureispina (F.Ritter) F.H.Brandt: has stems to 1 m high and 20 cm thick, 8-11 long bristly golden yellow to reddish yellow spines the lowest the longer. Distribution: Cerro Acati, Colonia Indipendencia, Depart. Guairá and Cerro Pelado near Villarica.
- Parodia schumanniana (Nicolai) F.H.Brandt: up to 1,8 m tall, areoles 7-15 mm apart, and 0-1 central spine. Distribution: Paraguay and north-eastern Argentina.
- Parodia schumanniana subs. claviceps (F.Ritter) Hofacker & P.J.Braun: less than 50 cm tall, areoles only 3-4 mm apart, and 1-3 central spines. Distribution: Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
Bibliography: Major references and further lectures
1) Friedrich Ritter "Kakteen in Südamerika: Ergebnisse meiner 20 jährigen Feldforschungen" volume 1 Selbstverlag, 1979
2) Cactus and Succulent Journal of Great Britain, Volumes 29-33 Cactus and Succulent Society of Great Britain, 1967
3) N. L. Britton, J. N. Rose “The Cactaceae. Descriptions and Illustrations of Plants of the Cactus Family.” Volume 3, The Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington 1922.
Cultivation and Propagation: Frost Tolerant as low as -4°C (or possibly colder) but in cultivation it is best to avoid any frost when during the winter the temperature can go down to 2° C without any harm so long as the compost is very dry. During the summer it is best to keep the plants outside where the temperature can rise to over 30 C with no harm to the plant.
Allows good drainage and use a an open and free draining mineral compost that allows therefore roots to breath.
They like only a short winter's rest and should be kept almost completely dry during the winter months, If the soil is allowed to be dry for too long root loss could follow but equally the same result would occur if the plants are both wet and cold. From March onwards the plant will begin to grow and watering should be increased gradually until late May when the plant should be in full growth.
Water regularly during the summer so long as the plant pot is allowed to drain and not sit in a tray of water. During hot weather you may need to water the plants more frequently so long as the plant is actively growing. From late September watering should be reduced to force the plant to go in to a state of semi dormancy, by October you should be back in to the winter watering regime.
Need full sun avoiding only the harshest summer sun, if kept too dark they may become overly lush and could be prone to rotting due to over watering, they will also be shy to produce flowers.
Feeding may not be necessary at all if the compost is fresh then, feed in summer only if the plant hasn't been repotted recently. Do not feed the plants from September onwards as this can cause lush growth which can be fatal during the darker cold months.
Repotting should be done every other year or every three years, annual potting is not necessary. Do not be tempted to over pot as this will cause the unused compost to go stagnant and you may loose the plant.
Propagation: Seed sowing and cuttings.
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